- Product Name
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no.
- Structured
- Product Type
- Product Name Ethyl 6,8-dichlorooctanoate
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 1070-64-0
- Structured
Product TypeIntermediates
- Product Name Calcium citrate
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 5785-44-4
- Structured
Product TypeNutrition
- Product Name Alanyl glutamine
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 39537-23-0
- Structured
Product TypeBiochemists
- Product Name Dechlorhydroxyzine hydrochloride
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 13073-96-6
- Structured
Product TypeAntihistamines
- Product Name Silymarin meglumine
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 56782-29-7
- Structured
Product TypeDigestive system and metabolism
- Product Name Tenofovir alafenol fumarate
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 1392275-56-7
- Structured
Product TypeDigestive system and metabolism
- Product Name Bubromoscopolamine
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 149-64-4
- Structured
Product TypeDigestive system and metabolism
- Product Name Biphenyl diesters
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 73536-69-3
- Structured
Product TypeDigestive system and metabolism
- Product Name Cimetidine
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 51481-61-9
- Structured
Product TypeDigestive system and metabolism
- Product Name Huperzine A
- Molecular Formula
- CAS no. 120786-18-7
- Structured
Product TypeCentral nervous system class
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